Whenever we're asked to recommend a suitable diet that works and is sustainable, we often suggest the Montignac method. The diet's main exclusions are bread, potatoes, beer and processed foods because of their high glycaemic index (and it only allows moderate intake of protein and fats).
From that, you may have already guessed that the method started as an antidiabetic diet, but Montignac quickly discovered that it was also a highly effective regime for weight loss. It is far more workable than the popular Atkins diet, which excludes all carbohydrates, while allowing for high-protein, fatty foods.
The difference between the two approaches has been highlighted by a recent study that looked at the role of diet in contributing to the development of type 2 diabetes.
After studying the lifestyles of 204 patients who had recently been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, the researchers found that a number of factors played a part - such as family history and exercise - but the main cause was diet, and especially one that is high in animal fats and low in carbohydrates. So beware, you Atkinsophiles.
(Source: Diabetes Care, 2003; 26: 302-7).