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Is homeopathy effective for childhood ear infections? ...more
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Headaches (Migraines)
Dana Ullman, MPH
It is accurate to tell a person with a migraine that the pain is all in their head. Considering that a migraine sufferer's head usually feels like it is...  more 
 Homeopathy : Overview & Links
 Homeopathic First Aid
Homeopathic First Aid
First Aid with Homeopathic Medicines
Dana Ullman, MPH
The basic principle of homeopathic medicine is that a small dose of a substance will help cure that which it causes in overdose. Although this principle...  more 
 Homeopathy & Placebo Effect
Homeopathy & Placebo Effect
Homeopathic Remedies vs. the Placebo Effect
Richard Moskowitz MD
The art of homeopathic medicine today is all but unknown to the general public; and I would venture to say that a large majority of those who have heard of...  more 
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