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Can regular exercise really improve the quality of my sleep? ...more
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Foundations of the Chiropractic Model
Daniel Redwood DC
We have now seen a wealth of studies demonstrating that spinal manipulation is effective, but it is quite another matter to fully understand how and why....  more 
 Chiropractic: Overview & Links
 Simply Well
Simply Well
Create a Bigger Picture of Health
John Travis MD, MPH
Health is a function of participation. Here participation refers to is participation in relationships and participation in work that serves a vision or a...  more 
 The Healer Within
The Healer Within
Alternate Nostril Breathing.
Roger Jahnke OMD
The technique described in the Dr. Roger Jahnke column "Alternate Nostril Breathing”" has been employed by practitioners of Yoga in India for thousands of...  more 
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