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More than three-quarters of women who get breast cancer are over whtat age?
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Your Home for Body-Mind-Spirit Health
What effective self-care tool is free and as close as your own nose? ...more

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Inhabit Your Body and Love It
John Travis MD, MPH
Twenty-four hours a day your body is talking to you—giving you feedback about what it needs for its survival, its pleasure, its growth,...  more 
 Wellness: Topics & Links
 Living Well
Living The Ten Tenets of Wellness
Michael Arloski PhD
Wellness always seems to be working at answering one critical question: Why don't people do what they know they need to do for themselves? Providing...  more 
 Simply Well
Simply Well
Discover What You Already Know
John Travis MD, MPH
Wellness starts with the recognition that your body is wise, your mind is wise, and your soul is wise. You may not always honor that wisdom in yourself, but...  more 
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"Nothing can bring you peace but yourself."
— Ralph Waldo Emerson    
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2019 National Wellness Conference
     October 1-3, 2019
     Kissimmee, FL USA
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Wellness, Eating, dimension!

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