Other kinds of drugs can also induce hypertension, even when used to treat a different condition.
Cyclosporine, a powerful immunosuppressant, can raise systolic blood pressure (Hypertension, Oct 1994) and create arterial hypertension in heart transplant patients (J of Human Hypertension, Apr 1994). Kidney transplant patients often suffer from hypertension. Cyclosporine associated hypertension appears to involve sodium retention and stimulates the sympathetic nervous system (Amer J of Kidney Diseases, Mar 1994).Patients taking medium and low doses of cyclosporin for severe psoriasis over three years have developed hypertension (Br J of Dermatology, Sep 1990). Indeed, it has been established that cyclosporine treatment can cause a patient to develop hypertension within a few weeks (Amer J of Hypertension, May 1991).
Hypertension can be a sideeffect from using oral contraceptives (Ceska Gynekologie, Apr 1994).
Insulin is also thought to raise blood pressure in diabetics, although this is currently under debate (Drugs, Mar 1994).
Hydrocortisone raises blood pressure in men (Amer J of Hypertension, Apr 1993).
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), used to treat arthritis, can raise blood pressure in the elderly (Br J of Clinical Pharmacology, May 1993).
Patients taking tricyclic antidepressants for panic disorders have suffered from hypertension (Amer J of Cardiology, Nov 15, 1992). The drug's effect also depends on age (J of Clinical Psychopharmacology, Jun 1992).
Desipramine increases pulse and blood pressure when used to treat sufferers of bulimia nervosa (J of Clinical Psychopharmacology, Jun 1992), although blood pressure does come down over time.
Even nasal decongestants and cough syrup, if taken in large enough doses, can also induce hypertension (DICP, Oct 1991).