Astringents are the most appropriate for alleviation of the symptom. The anti-microbials will be essential if there is an infection involved. Problems with digestion and possible malabsorption should be considered and thus bitters are indicated. Associated pain due to abdominal cramping will eased by carminatives and anti-spasmodics.
Specific Remedies Many different astringent remedies have reputations of being specifics. Whether they are specifics or simply good examples of a general effect of astringency is difficult to say. Meadowsweet may well be the best gentle treatment for diarrhea in general as it seems to tone the lining of the small intestine. It is especially helpful in childhood diarrhea. Other excellent remedies include Agrimony, Ladies Mantle and Cranesbill. The stronger astringents such as Oak Bark should only be used as a last resort.
One possible prescription