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| Medical Self-Care: Fainting | |
American Institute for Preventive Medicine ©
Just before fainting, you may feel a sense of dread followed by the sense that everything around you is swaying. You may see spots before your eyes. Then you go into a cold sweat, your face turns pale and you topple over.
A common cause of fainting is a sudden reduction of blood flow to the brain which results from a temporary drop in blood pressure and pulse rate. These lead to a brief loss of consciousness. A fainting victim may pass out for several seconds or up to ½ hour.
There are many reasons why women faint. Medical reasons include:
- Low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) which is common in early pregnancy.
- Anemia.
- Any condition in which there is a rapid loss of blood. This can be from internal bleeding such as with a peptic ulcer, a tubal pregnancy or a ruptured cyst.
- Heart and circulatory problems such as abnormal heart rhythm, heart attack or stroke.
- Eating disorders such as anorexia, bulimia.
- Toxic shock syndrome.
Other things that can lead to feeling faint or fainting include:
- Any procedure that stretches the cervix such as having an IUD inserted, especially in women who have never been pregnant.
- Extreme pain.
- A sudden change in body position like standing up too quickly (postural hypotension).
- Sudden emotional stress or fright.
- Taking some prescription drugs. Examples are: Some that lower high blood pressure, tranquilizers, antidepressants, or even some over-the-counter drugs such as antihistamines, when taken in excessive amounts.
- Know, also, that the risk for fainting increases if you are in hot, humid weather, are in a stuffy room or have consumed excessive amounts of alcohol.
Here are some dos and don’ts to remember if someone faints:
- Catch the person before he or she falls.
- Place the person in a horizontal position with the head below the level of the heart and the legs raised to promote blood flow to the brain. If a potential fainting victim can lie down right away, he or she may not lose consciousness.
- Turn the victim’s head to the side so the tongue doesn’t fall back into the throat.
- Loosen any tight clothing.
- Apply moist towels to the person’s face and neck.
- Keep the victim warm, especially if the surroundings are chilly.
- Don’t slap or shake anyone who’s just fainted.
- Don’t try to give the person anything to eat or drink, not even water, until they are fully conscious.
- Don’t allow the person who’s fainted to get up until the sense of physical weakness passes and then be watchful for a few minutes to be sure he or she doesn’t faint again.
Questions to Ask
Self-Care Procedures
Do these things when you feel faint:
- Lie down and elevate both legs.
- Sit down, bend forward and put your head between your knees.
If you faint easily:
- Get up slowly from bed or from a sitting position.
- Follow your doctor’s advice to treat any medical condition which may lead to fainting. Take medicines as prescribed but let your doctor know about any side effects, so he/she can monitor your condition.
- Don’t wear tight-fitting clothing around your neck.
- Avoid turning your head suddenly.
- Stay out of stuffy rooms and hot, humid places. If you can’t, use a fan.
- Avoid activities that can put your life in danger if you have frequent fainting spells, such as driving a motor vehicle and climbing to high places.
- Drink alcoholic beverages in moderation.
When pregnant:
- Get out of bed slowly.
- Keep crackers at your bedside and eat a few before getting out of bed. Try other foods such as dry toast, graham crackers, bananas, etc.
- Eat small, frequent meals instead of a few large. Have a good food source of protein, such as lean meat, low-fat cheese, milk, etc., with each meal. Avoid sweets. Don’t skip meals or go for a long time without eating.
- Don’t sit for long periods of time.
- Keep your legs elevated when you sit.
- When you stand, as in a line, don’t stand still. Move your legs to pump blood up to your heart.
- Take vitamin and mineral supplements as your doctor prescribes.
- Never lay on your back during the 3rd trimester. It is best to lay on your left side. If you can’t, lay on your right side