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Like to learn how can guided imagery support cancer patients? ...more
 Featured Story
Dynamics of Visualization and Imagery In Therapy
Patricia Norris PhD
In ancient and modern times, in both East and West, visualization has with few exceptions enjoyed an illustrious history. It has been a cornerstone of...  more 
 Guided Imagery: Overview & Links
 Imagery before Surgery
Imagery before Surgery
Guided Imagery Speeds Surgical Recovery
David Sobel MD
Patients undergoing surgery often experience a loss of control, feeling more like victims than participants. Anxiety, fear of the unknown, fear of pain,...  more 
 Imagery and Cancer Recovery
Imagery and Cancer Recovery
Fighting Cancer from Within: How to Use the Power of Your Mind for Healing
Martin Rossman MD
If you have been diagnosed with cancer, and you want to have the best chance to survive it, then guided imagery is for you. The way you use your mind can...  more 
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