Fighting Cancer From Within© by Martin L. Rossman MD
When you are diagnosed with cancer, you can find yourself over-whelmed with emotions at a time when you most need to keep your wits about you. While you are alive, you have hope, and you have options. You have will, imagination, and powerful natural healing abilities within you that you can stimulate by the way you use your mind.
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Fighting Cancer from Within: How to Use the Power of Your Mind for Healing© by Martin L. Rossman MD
If you have been diagnosed with cancer, and you want to have the best chance to survive it, then guided imagery is for you. The way you use your mind can make a huge difference in what happens to you; the evidence points to effects that range from improving your emotional well-being to reducing adverse effects of treatments, to surviving, even thriving, through the experience.
Dynamics of Visualization and Imagery In Therapy© by Patricia Norris PhD
In ancient and modern times, in both East and West, visualization has with few exceptions enjoyed an illustrious history. It has been a cornerstone of many healing methods. The earliest visualization techniques ever recorded are from Babylonia and Sumaria. Histories of all peoples, from ancient Egypt and Babylonia through the middle ages and right up to modern times, include accounts of healing, and these all incorporate visualization in one form or another.
Personalized Therapy© by Patricia Norris PhD
In developing an effective visualization, one must consider a number of qualities, especially a positive image. In Imagery of Cancer, Achterberg and Lawlis state: "The symbols of positive connotation are those representing strength and purity"
Beliefs, Attitudes, and Expectations: The Relationship Between Personality and Cancer© by Patricia Norris PhD
Is there such a thing as a cancer personality? Is there a cluster of cancer personalities for different types of cancer? The evidence, though vast and multidimensional, is not yet considered to be conclusive. For nearly two thousand years
Tumors and Cancer© by Emmett Miller MD
Some of the most tragic stories one will ever hear in medical practice are those of cancer patients and their families. Unfortunately, the tragedy is often the result of the impact on people's lives not only of the disease but also of the treatment