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 The Body (Part 6) - Physical, bodymind, energetic, and potential doorway to spiritual awareness 
The following is one in an ongoing series of columns entitled Wholistic Spiritual Healing by . View all columns in series
Intuition and the body
It is estimated that only 5% of our brain capacity is within conscious awareness. This means that we have another 95% of brain/consciousness capacity we can tap.

Applied Kinesiology (AK) provides methods for using the body to facilitate access to the unconscious mind . When you are emotionally upset, as in depression, anxiety or anger, your body becomes weaker. If you think about something that is distressing, your muscles will reflect this.

AK exercises:
Do these only if your hand and arm are normal and free of any injury or other problem.

1. Hold your arm out sideways from your body. Ask someone with whom you feel close and safe to press gently but firmly downward on your wrist in order to test your muscle strength. The object here is not for him to break your position, but to see how strong your muscles are. This is your baseline, your starting point in checking the strength of your arm muscles.

Next, have him ask you, twice in succession, “What is the last digit of your phone number?” In response to either the first or the second time he questions you, tell the truth, and in response to the other time he asks you, you will say a false number. (By not revealing which time you are telling the truth and which time you are lying, he can’t press harder in line with any expectations.) After responding to each question in turn, your partner will press down again on your wrist, using the same degree of pressure as on the baseline testing. Note any changes in your muscle strength on each occasion.

Most people will find that when they give a false answer their muscle strength is weaker.

2. Now, think of something that makes you sad. When you can feel the sadness of it, ask your partner to press down again on your outstretched arm. Note any changes in your strength. Next, repeat this process, taking turns thinking of something that makes you happy and then of something that makes you angry. Note any changes in your strength with each feeling. Most people will find that their muscles are weakened as they focus on sad or angry

Exercise (1) demonstrates that your body can be used to answer "Yes" or "No" questions, providing access to the 95% of your brain capacity that is outside of your conscious awareness. Despise no new accidents in your body, but ask opinion of it. Francis Bacon

Exercise (2) shows that your emotional state can influence your muscle strength. This provides a tool for accessing the degree of upset when focusing on an emotional issue. It also points to the possibility that emotions might interfere in muscle testing for "yes" and "no" answers.

AK for non-local explorations
Because the mind can reach out through non-local consciousness to anywhere and anywhen in space and time , it is possible to use your body responses to access intuitive and psychic information. Theoretically, there is no limit to the information available to you. For example, you may ask whether a particular food item is good for you, whether it is for your highest good to consult a particular therapist, or whether a specific invitation (social, work, spam mail) is likely to be of benefit to you. Therapists, with the consent of their clients, may use kinesiology similarly on themselves to ask questions about how to proceed with the therapy. I call this transpersonal kinesiology.

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 About The Author
Daniel J. Benor, M.D. - wholistic psychiatric psychotherapist including bodymind approaches, spiritual awareness and healing in his practice. Author of Healing Research, Volumes I-IV, he is a Founding Diplomate of the......moreDaniel Benor MD
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