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 Homeopathy: The Promise of Homeopathy - Profound Life Transformation 

They had two chldren, both in their teens. He used to fly into jealous rages, but now was no longer violent and had learned to control his temper. He used to drink heavily, but now abstained. He always had high sexual energy (3). He had a history of depression and used to pray that his car would crash, but feared he would go to hell if he killed himself. He was terribly afraid of heights.

Ed had a great sensation of pressure in his throat (3) and had choked many times (2). He had frequent severe heartburn (3) . He was terrified of drowning (3), choking (3), and snakes (3). His sleep was terrible (3). Every time he went to sleep, he felt tormented by jealousy (3) and as if his stomach were tied in knots (2).

Case 3. Bulimia and Shame

Carol, age 27, came in because of her eating disorder. She and her twin sister had decided to become partners in anorexia. Carol always prided herself on being thin. She had gone down from 163 to 65 pounds in the past. She kept telling herself, "If I lose more weight, people will love me more." She became bulimic and took diuretics. Her extreme weight loss resulted in two hospitalizations. Carol was put on antidepressants, but still suffered from mood swings, irritability, intense low periods, impatience, and irritability. She lamented that she repeatedly poured her heart and soul into relationships with men in an effort to gain her father's love. She tried her best to win others' approval, and lost herself in the process.

When Carol was asked about her self image, she shared her tremendous shame (3) about a birthmark on her face that she had first appeared at two months of age. Despite having many good friends, good grades, and supportive parents, she was always terribly self-conscious and painfully shy. Although her birthmark was barely noticeable to others, it ruled her life. A tape inside of her constantly replayed the message, "What would people think if they found out about my face?" She developed the habit of sleeping on her right side to cover her birthmark while she slept. Although she was an excellent school teacher, she was always regretful that the children would have to look at her face.

In addition to the shame about her birthmark, Carol was raised in a conservative Catholic family where sex and masturbation were considered sinful. Her mother always admonished her, "Don't put your hands down there. It's a dirty place." and "We don't talk about those things." She had no lasting relationships, although marriage was her dream. She couldn't conceive of a man wanting to spend his life with her, having to look at her birthmark every day.

Now, study these cases, then turn to page _____ for the case analyses.

l. Elizabeth: We had absolutely no idea how much homeopathy could help Elizabeth, given her profound, inherited pathology. But, since homeopathy will stimulate the vital force to heal the organism to the greatest extent possible, we had no second thoughts about whether or not to prescribe for her. We first gave the child a dose of Tarentula hispanica (made from the Spanish Spider) 1M without success. Our first thought was Tarentula because of Elizabeth's constant activity, her love of music, restlessness, head banging, and paralysis of the lower extremities.

Six weeks later, Elizabeth's foster mother reported no change. WeI restudied the case, and used all of the following rubrics in Kent's Repertory : "Extremities; PARALYSIS; Lower", "Head; MOTIONS; of; rolling head", "Mind; HYDROPHOBIA", "Mind; MUSIC; amel.", "Mind; SINGING", "Mind; STRIKING; head, his", "Extremities; RESTLESSNESS", "Eye: MOVEMENT, eyeballs; rolling", "Mind; ABSORBED", and "Mind; DAY-DREAMING". The remedy which scored the highest in the repertorization was Stramonium (Thorn-apple). Stramonium scored higher than

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 About The Author
Judyth Reichenberg-Ullman ND, MSWJudyth Reichenberg-Ullman, ND, DHANP, MSW is a licensed naturopathic physician board certified in homeopathic medicine. She graduated with a degree in ...more
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