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Which of the following in NOT a direct benefit of a regular walking regimen?
Reduce Stress
Improved immune function
Achieving ideal weight.
Improved sugar metabolism

 Homeopathy: The Choice to Heal! 

This article is about empowerment. It is about taking charge of our healing process. It is about recognizing whatever blocks health in our lives and making healing our number one priority.

We create our futures, 100%. Whether or not you believe in karma or past lives or the law of attraction is a matter of personal belief. The issue here is, if you knew that you could really create the kind of health and happiness and relationships that you wanted for yourself, how would your life change? It often seems easier to let ourselves be blown by the winds of change (or stagnation) without directly intervening in the process. This style may require less effort and commitment on our part, yet it rarely gets for us what we really want.

We were talking recently to a 42 year-old woman who had a kidney transplant at age 29. She was very afraid she would die of kidney failure prior to the transplant. Once her sister agreed to donate one of her kidneys, she knew deep inside that she would be healed. The transplant was highly successful, she was able to adopt two lovely twin daughters the next year, and is now the picture of health, and quite happy with her life. This past month her laboratory kidney values, which her nephrologist still monitors quite closely, rose slightly. She became quite uneasy, and began worrying that this was the beginning in a downward spiral, and that she might again be headed for kidney failure, and possibly death. We shared with her that, instead of just waiting, helplessly and with great anxiety, for her next blood test results, she could CREATE the lab values for herself that she wanted. She could examine and release any blocks to her healing process, flood her kidney with healing energy, and become the co-creator of her healing rather than a victim. Once she realized that she was in charge, she was greatly relieved.

The time for healing is now! The place is here. Change, according to the Buddha, is the only thing in life which remains consistent. Change is the key to healing. It may be a change of habits or lifestyle or relationships, a change of medication, a change of attitude. Whatever the form may take, it is some type of energetic shift which is generally needed for healing to occur. If we with move with that shift, just like a surfer rides a wave, the result usually exceed our greatest expectations. If we hold on to our current habits and beliefs for dear life, as many of us have become used to doing, we remain frozen in the past or the present, not allowing our wonderful futures to unfold.

Many of the patients whom we see tell us clearly, at the time of their first visit, that their lives are no longer working and they have "had it" with the way things are going for them. You may remember the woman Judyth wrote about in "Overcoming Shame" who suffered from years of bulimia, from which she had nearly died. She had magnified in her mind a rather inconspicuous birthmark on her face to the point where she couldn't even imagine being involved in an intimate relationship. She was convinced that no one could stand to look at her that closely. When she came to us two years ago, she realized she was creating for herself a life of isolation and unhappiness. Within a matter of months, with the help of homeopathy and hypnosis, but due mostly to her readiness for change, her self-image improved dramatically. She attracted a truly loving relationship. We will be attending her wedding this summer.

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 About The Author
Judyth Reichenberg-Ullman ND, MSWJudyth Reichenberg-Ullman, ND, DHANP, MSW is a licensed naturopathic physician board certified in homeopathic medicine. She graduated with a degree in ...more
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