The Buteyko breathing technique may offer genuine hope to asthma sufferers, a new clinical trial has found.
Sufferers who used the technique were able to dispense with their bronchodilators, their health improved, and they were able to reduce their use of inhaled corticosteroids. Of the 20 patients who tested the Buteyko method, eight reduced their inhaled steroid dose by between 75 per cent and 100 per cent, and three by 25 per cent to 50 per cent.
The Buteyko system was tested against yogic pranayama breathing and placebo, neither of which were able to produce significant benefits. The trial, carried out by Nottingham University, was the first to test the Buteyko method as an asthma therapy. The participants were taught the Buteyko method by Lifesource Ltd.
(Source: Thorax, 2003; 58: 1-6).
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