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 Qigong and Taiji: Qigong Physiology Chart 

Physiological mechanisms and the activities in Qi Gong and Yoga/Pranayama which are their triggers:

Physiological Mechanisms

Structures and Substrates

Qigong Activity


1. Energy Generation

Oxygen Uptake


2. Aerobic Water

Oxygen Uptake


3. Immune Enhancement

Oxygen Uptake


4. Free Radical Neutralization

xygen Uptake



1. Aerobic Generation



2. Propulsion

a) Aerobic



b) Intrinsic Contraction

Interstitial fluid volume

Breath and Relaxation

c) Muscle Pump

Muscle Contraction


d) Gravitational

Body position

Postures and Movement

e) Breath Apparatus

Lungs, diaphragm, cisterna chyli

>Breath Activity

3. Immune Function

Propulsion (2a-e)

Breath, movement and posture

4. Cerebrospinal Fluid Flow

Propulsion (2a-e)

Breath, movement and posture

5. Nutritive Function

Propulsion (2a-e)

Breath, movement and posture


1. Autonomic

Brain, neurochem., nervous system

Relaxation and Breath

2. Nerotransmitter Profile


Relaxation and Visualization

3. Microcirculation



4. Immunity

Macrophages, leucocytes, neurotrans.

Relaxation, Meditation

5. Brain Hemisphere Control

Brain, nervous system

Alternate Nostril Breath and Rt /Lft Side Movement

6. Brain Wave Frequency

Brain, nervous system Meditation

7. Neuroreflex Stimulation

Neuro-reflex system

Rubbing Points

8. Brain Structures

Hypothal, pituitry, pineal, 3rd vent.

Intention, Meditation and Visualization

©1996 Roger Jahnke, O.M.D.

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 About The Author
Roger Jahnke OMDRoger Jahnke has been in the health field since 1967 beginning with body therapies, herbal medicine, Tai Chi, Yoga and meditation. He turned his attention seriously to Oriental medicine in 1972 with study at the North......more
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