When to try another medicine: In acute cases, if there is no improvement after 36-48 hours. In chronic cases, if the symptoms havenít improved within 10-14 days.
Pain in the prostate after urination;
The general symptoms of Pulsatilla are present (see the materia medica section)
Confirmatory symptoms
Sharp pains or spasms in prostate area extending into the bladder and pelvis
Thick, bland discharge from the penis
Chimaphilla umbellato
Soreness in the region of the gland is worse with pressure, especially during sitting
Confirmatory symptoms
Sensation of sitting on a ball or of painful swelling.
Discharge of mucus from the penis or the presence of stringy mucus in the urine
Kali bichromium
Prostate pain aggravated by walking; must stand still for relief
Confirmatory symptoms
Needlelike pain or drawing pains extending from the prostate into the penis
Burning in the urethra after urination
Discharge of very thick, sticky, or stringy material from the penis
Pressure and pulsations in the prostate with pain extending into the urethra and bladder after a few drops of urine have passed.
Sabal serrulata
Indicated during chronic prostatic enlargement with difficult urination; there may be burning during urination as well.
Pressure in the prostate aggravated during and after urination
Confirmatory symptoms
Needle-like pains in the bladder and anus
Pulsatilla is a good medicine for the man who experiences aggravation of pain in the prostate after urination. There may be sharp pains or spasms in the region of the prostate that extend into the bladder and pelvis. A thick, bland discharge from the penis may be present. Men who show strong general symptoms of this medicine can be given Pulsatilla even when the specific symptoms donít clearly confirm it.
Chimaphilla umbellato is more difficult to findóeven at some homeopathic pharmaciesó than most of the medicines covered here, but it is well indicated for many men with prostatitis. Soreness in the region of the gland is worse with pressure, especially during sitting. There may be a sensation of sitting on a ball or simply of painful swelling. A discharge of mucus from the penis or the presence of stringy mucus in the urine may be noted.
The Kali bichromium patientís prostate pain is worsened by walking, and he must stand still for relief. The pain may be needle-like or there may be drawing pains extending from the prostate into the penis. There may be burning in the urethra after urination. A discharge of particularly thick, sticky, or stringy material may be found at the urethral opening.
With Causticum there are pressure and pulsations in the prostate with pain extending into the urethra and bladder after a few drops of urine have passed. In contrast, Lycopodium covers pressure in the gland that is worse during and after urination. Needle-like pains in the bladder and anus especially indicate this medicine.
Sabal serrulata has also been found effective during prostatic problems. However, its indications are fairly general: enlargement of the prostate with difficulty passing urine or burning while urinating.