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 Integrative Medicine: Longevity: What are the Chances of Life Extension 

Some might show results when further research is carried out but so far only Calorie Restriction (possibly aided by Anti-oxidant nutrition and lowering of core temperature) has a proven track record of increased longevity and reduced chronic disease.

1. Weindruch, R. PhD, Walford R. MD: Retardation ofAging by Dietary Restriction; Charles Thomas Illinois 1988

2. McCarrison, Sir Robert: Nutrition and Health; First published by Faber 1943. Republished by McCarrison Society 76 Harley St. London 1982

3. Hipkiss, A. PhD: Human Aging and Later; Edward Arnold London 1988

4. Mann, John: Secrets of Extension; Harbor Publishing San Francisco 1980

5. Pearson, D. Shaw S: Life Extension; Nutri Books 1982

6. Chaitow, Leon: Natural Life Extension; Harper San Francisco 1992

7. Ames, B.: Science 221, pp1256-1264 1983

8. Cranton, E. Frackelton J.: Free Radical Pathology in Age Related Diseases; Journal of Holistic Medicine 6(1)1984

9. Pearson, D. Shaw S: Life Extension; Nutri Books 1982

10. Weindruch, R. PhD, Walford R. MD: Retardation ofAging by Dietary Restriction; Charles Thomas, Illinois 1988

11. Begley S. Hager M.: Search for the Fountain of Youth; Newsweek March 5 1990 pp34-38

12. Weindruch, R. PhD, Walford R. MD: Retardation ofAging by Dietary Restriction; Charles Thomas, Illinois 1988

13. Chaitow, Leon: Natural Life Extension; Harper, San Francisco 1992

14. Newman Turner R.: Naturopathic Medicine Thorsons 1990

15. Weindruch, R. PhD, Walford R. MD: Retardation ofAging by Dietary Restriction; Charles Thomas Illinois 1988

16. Pizzorno J. Murray M.: Textbook of Natural Medicine; Bastyr College Publications 1988

17. Van Orden, N. Streed P.: The Bio Plan; Dial Press, New York 1983

18. Chaitow, Leon: Natural Life Extension; Harper, San Francisco 1992

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 About The Author
Leon Chaitow ND, DO, MROA practicing naturopath, osteopath, and acupuncturist in the United Kingdom, with over forty years clinical experience, Chaitow is Editor-in-Chief, of the ...more
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