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 Training & Fitness Programs: Is DHEA the Wonder Hormone?  

4. AUTOIMMUNE RESPONSE - patients with lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, MS, and colitis have very low DHEA levels. When supplemented, they had increased stamina and improved sense of well-being. Lupus patients had significant improvement in their kidney disease. Because of the prevalence of autoimmune diseases (such as CFIDS, insulin dependent diabetes, etc.), the use of DHEA may again have tremendous possibilities in an area of research that has grown in stature over the past decade. DHEA may be part of the immuno-enhancing elements that are currently being tried to enhance the immune systems of many people.

5. OSTEOPOROSIS - DHEA can theoretically work like estrogen, androgen, and progesterone in preventing bone loss and stimulating bone formation. DHEA should be used in conjunction with a progressive resistance exercise program, as any supplement should.

DHEA and Athletic Performance
In sports the conversion of DHEA to testosterone is of great importance to athletes. If we can increase the body's production of testosterone then we can not avoid an increase in strength, muscle mass, and reductions in body fat. The fact that DHEA may be considered an ergogenic aid (a substance that artificially boosts performance) will ultimately be engaged in debate. However, because DHEA is a "natural" hormone, it may not be banned as an illegal substance until a multitude of tests show it is both unsafe and provides too much enhancement of performance. Until those tests are made public and ratified as proven by a sports governing body, then DHEA usage may increase as an anabolic substance in the near future.

DHEA shows great promise both clinically and supplementally. The next few years will detail information as to whether we should be taking DHEA as an ergogenic aid, or as a basic component of our daily diet.

According to Steven Cherniske, MS - author of the new book entitiled: The DHEA Breakthrough, this hormone may have effects on different body systems and tissues depending on the dosage. Below is a table of the possible changes in body physiology based on different level doses of DHEA:

Dosage Physiology/effect Body area

0.1-0.3 (mm) Decrease platelet aggregation- decrease vessel clotting Blood samples
50 mg Increase in number of B and T cells in the immune system Blood samples
50 mg Inhibits enzyme called glucose-6 -phosphate dehydrogenase Blood samples(in animals)
100 mg 90% increase in insulin growth factor -1, which enhances anabolic effects Blood samples in men over 50
10-25 mg Recommended medical doses for DHEA over 40 years of age Ingested amounts
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 About The Author
Eric Durak received his Master of Science degree from the University of Michigan in 1986. His research experience is in the application of exercise for special population groups, such as diabetes, high risk pregnancy,......more
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