If you do not have access to professional homeopathic care, one can consider obtaining a homeopathic dose (30x or 30c) of the substance to which the person was exposed. Full-service homeopathic manufactuers often make and sell thousands of substances which are derived from environmental toxins.
If you know that you may get exposed to a specific toxin in the near future, it may be wise to consider taking a couple of doses of the 30th potency of that substance prior to exposure. Some of the above research suggests that it helps organisms excrete the toxin more effectively.
When self-prescribing, it is generally best to be cautious in taking homeopathic medicines. Take a single dose and observe any changes over a couple of weeks. If there are no changes, you might try taking a couple doses a day for a couple of days. If there are still no changes after an additional couple of weeks, seek high and low for professional homeopathic care. Your health may depend upon it.
It must be candidly noted that the research discussed in this section was damaging and sometimes lethal to the animals involved. Making reference to this work is not meant to condone such experimentation.
For further information about homeopathic medicine for sore throats
or other common ailments and for access to homeopathic medicines, contact:
Homeopathic Educational Services
2124B Kittredge St.
Berkeley, CA. 94704
(510)649-1955 (fax)
Email: [email protected]
For access to a directory of professional homeopaths in North America, send $8.00 to: Homeopathic Educational Services, 2124 Kittredge St., Berkeley, CA. 94704
For access to additional references on homeopathic research, see Dana Ullman, The Consumer's Guide to Homeopathy, New York: Tarcher/Putnam, 1996.