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 Holistic Pet Care: Epilepsy 

Flower Essences
Rescue Remedy is a commonly used flower extract that helps many pets with various anxiety disorders. For pets with epilepsy, I recommend using it in 2 ways. If you see a seizure coming on, give the pet a dose and this will often prevent the seizure. If the pet has a seizure, give another dose after the seizure and the pet will often return to a normal mental state more quickly than if the remedy had not been given.

Miscellaneous Considerations
In general, I always try to reduce the presence of environmental toxins in all of my patients. In pets with various disorders such as epilepsy, I believe this is very important. I recommend minimal use of vaccinations (through the use of vaccine antibody titers,) as seizures have been shown to occur in some pets following immunization. Natural holistic diets (discussed earlier,) and minimal use of various medications and chemicals (including chemical flea control products) are also important in a well-rounded approach to seizure control.

Epilepsy is usually a lifelong problem. In most pets, a combination of the proper diet, addition of nutritional supplements, and a reduction in environmental toxins will reduce the need for prescription medications.

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 About The Author
Shawn Messonnier DVMDr. Shawn Messonnier is the author of several natural pet books, including 8 Weeks to a Healthy Dog, The Allergy Solution for Dogs, and the award-winning The Natural Health Bible for Dogs & Cats. He serves as......more
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