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 Acupuncture Usage - Upper Extremities and Breast: Current Bibliographies in Medicine: Acupuncture Usage - Upper Extremities and Breast 
National Institutes of Health ©
Selected Controlled Trials

Dickens W, Lewith GT. A single-blind, controlled and randomised clinical trial to evaluate the effect of acupuncture in the treatment of trapezio-metacarpal osteoarthritis. Complement Med Res 1989;3(2):5-8.

Haker E, Lundeberg T. Laser treatment applied to acupuncture points in lateral humeral epicondylalgia. A double-blind study. Pain 1990 Nov;43(2):243-7.

Molsberger A, Hille E. The analgesic effect of acupuncture in chronic tennis elbow pain. Br J Rheumatol 1994 Dec;33(12):1162-5.

Other Data

Arichi S, Arichi H, Toda S. Acupuncture and rehabilitation (I) effect of acupuncture on normal side to snapping finger. Am J Chin Med 1983;11(1-4):137-42.

Arichi S, Arichi H, Toda S. Acupuncture and rehabilitation (II) study in cases of snapping finger. Am J Chin Med 1983;11(1-4):143-5.

Brattberg G. Acupuncture therapy for tennis elbow. Pain 1983;16(3):285-8.

Caputi CA, Firetto V, Cesaroni L. Esperienza di trattamento riflessoterapico nella sindrome del tunnel carpale. G Ital Riflessoter Agopunt 1994;6(1):15-20. (Ita).

Ceffa GC, Chio C, Gandini G. [Acupuncture in breast diseases: how, when and why]. Minerva Med 1981;72(33):2239-42. (Ita).

Clavey S. The use of acupuncture for the treatment of insufficient lactation (Que Ru). Am J Acupunct 1996;24(1):35-46.

Clavey S. The use of acupuncture for the treatment of insufficient lactation (Que Ru). Pac J Orient Med 1996;(9):40-7.

Cox PD, Kramer JF, Hartsell H. Effect of different TENS stimulus parameters on ulnar motor nerve conduction velocity. Am J Phys Med Rehabil 1993;72(5):294-300.

Ding S, Kamitsuchihashi H, Shimodouzono M, Hiyoshi T, Tanaka N. [The effects and mechanism of acupuncture on post-hemiplegic shoulder-hand syndrome]. Nippon Onsen Kiko Butsuri Igakkai Zasshi 1993;56(2):95-102. (Jpn).

Gao DK, Su JM, Liu CA, Wang ZY, Qin P. Efficacy of acupuncturing the jianjing point in 393 cases of acute mastitis. J Tradit Chin Med 1986 Mar;6(1):19-20.

Gong J. 79 cases of acute mastitis treated with needling and massage at Quchi (LI 11) point. Chin J Acupunct Moxibustion 1991;4(2):93-4.

Guo ZX, Wang RS, Guo XC. [Clinical observation on treatment of 40 cases of apoplexy hemiplegia complicated shoulder-hand syndrome with electro-acupuncture]. Chung Kuo Chung Hsi I Chieh Ho Tsa Chih 1995 Nov;15(11):646-8. (Chi).

Haker E, Lundeberg T. Acupuncture treatment in epicondylalgia: a comparative study of two acupuncture techniques. Clin J Pain 1990 Sep;6(3):221-6. Comment in: Clin J Pain 1990 Dec;6(4):313-4.

Haker E, Lundeberg T. Lateral epicondylalgia: report of noneffective midlaser treatment. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1991;72:984-8.

Kropej H. [Ear acupuncture in elbow pain]. Orthop Prax 1980;16(10):900-1. (Ger).

Liang ZP. 32 cases of acute mastitis treated with acupuncture, moxibustion and cupping. J Tradit Chin Med 1988 Mar;8(1):15-8.

Liaw MY, You DL, Cheng PT, Wong AMK, Lu CS. Observations on brain perfusion before and after acupuncture treatment of phantom limb pain - a case report. Am J Acupunct 1996;24(4):247-53.

Lin MT, Chandra A, Chen-Yen SM, Chern YF. Needle stimulation of acupuncture loci Chu-Chih (LI-11) and Ho-Ku (LI-4) induces hypothermia effects and analgesia in normal adults. Am J Chin Med 1981 Spring;9(1):74-83.

Liu GG. Needling treatment for hypogalactia: a report of 152 cases. Int J Clin Acupunct 1994;5(3):365-6.

Mei ZY. 52 cases of external humeral epicondylitis treated by acupuncture and moxibustion. J Tradit Chin Med 1989 Mar;9(1):3-4.

Naeser MA, Hahn CK, Lieberman B. Naeser laser home treatment program for the hand--an alternative treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome and repetitive strain injury. Catasauqua (PA): American Association of Oriental Medicine; 1997.

Shido A, Tohdoh Y, Gakiya T, Kobayashi T. [Effect of linearly polarized near infrared light on secondary arm lymphedema]. Hokuriku J Anesthesiol 1995;29(1):51-4. (Jpn).

Spacek A, Korpan M, Fridrich P, Zwolfer W, Fialka V. [Acupuncture versus guanethidine (Ismelin (R))-blockade for the treatment of reflex sympathetic dystrophy]. Dtsch Z Akupunkt 1995;38(3):71-6. (Ger).

Stein W, Braun A. [Laser and needle acupuncture: comparison of effects in epicondylopathy]. Orthop Prax 1980;16(10):902-5. (Ger).

Sternfeld M, Lipskier E, Finkelstein Y, Eliraz A, Hod I. Trigger finger relieved by activation of distal Ahshi points in the area of the pericardium and heart meridians: a pilot study. Am J Acupunct 1991;19(4):319-22.

Wang K, Zhang X. Acupuncture treatment of hyperplasia of mammary glands. Int J Clin Acupunct 1992;3(4):415-7.

Weintraub M. Laser photobioactiviation and neurolysis in carpal tunnel syndrome: a novel, nonsurgical approach--preliminary data [abstract]. Neurology 1996;46 Suppl 2:A282.

Wolfe HL. One approach to acumoxa therapy for pain due to tendinitis of the hand, wrist, and forearm. Am J Acupunct 1995;23(3):219-29.

Xibin L, Fei X, Yutan L. The treatment of fibrocystic disease of the breast by acupuncture: a report on 57 cases. Am J Acupunct 1992;20(4):313-9.

Yuan S, Mao XS, An L, Wu PR. Therapeutic effect of microwave acupuncture on 53 cases of proliferative mastosis. J Tradit Chin Med 1988 Mar;8(1):23-4.

Yuan S, Zhang YH, Kang XS. 110 cases of mastosis treated by acupuncture. J Tradit Chin Med 1984 Mar;4(1):5-6.

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