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 Acupuncture Usage - Cardiovascular System: Current Bibliographies in Medicine Acupuncture Usage Cardiovascular System 
National Institutes of Health ©
Selected Controlled Trials

Appiah R, Hiller S, Caspary L, Alexander K, Creutzig A. Treatment of primary Raynaud's syndrome with traditional Chinese acupuncture. J Intern Med 1997 Feb;241(2):119-24.

Ballegaard S, Jensen G, Pedersen F, Nissen VH. Acupuncture in severe, stable angina pectoris: a randomized trial. Acta Med Scand 1986;220(4):307-13.

Ballegaard S, Meyer CN, Trojaborg W. Acupuncture in angina pectoris: does acupuncture have a specific effect? J Intern Med 1991 Apr;229(4):357-62.

Ballegaard S, Norrelund S, Smith DF. Cost-benefit of combined use of acupuncture, Shiatsu and lifestyle adjustment for treatment of patients with severe angina pectoris. Acupunct Electrother Res 1996 Jul-Dec;21(3-4):187-97.

Ballegaard S, Pedersen F, Pietersen A, Nissen VH, Olsen NV. Effects of acupuncture in moderate, stable angina pectoris: a controlled study. J Intern Med 1990 Jan;227(1):25-30.

Balogun JA, Tang S, He Y, Hsieh JM, Katz JS. Effects of high-voltage galvanic stimulation of ST36 and ST37 acupuncture points on peripheral blood flow and skin temperature. Disabil Rehabil 1996 Oct;18(10):523-8.

Ehrlich D, Haber P. Influence of acupuncture on physical performance capacity and haemodynamic parameters. Int J Sports Med 1992 Aug;13(6):486-91.

Karvelas BR, Hoffman MD, Zeni AI. Acute effects of acupuncture on physiological and psychological responses to cycle ergometry. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1996 Dec;77(12):1256-9.

A quantitative study of the effects of needle manipulations in treating coronary heart disease using electrocardiograms. Wash Update Acupunct 1997 Jan 26;2(1):4-5.

Qingshu C, Shuping C, Zhejing H. Effect of electroacupuncture on the phase of repolarization of ischemic myocardium in the rabbit. World J Acupunct Moxibustion 1992 Dec;2(4):46-50.

Richter A, Herlitz J, Hjalmarson A. Effect of acupuncture in patients with angina pectoris. Eur Heart J 1991 Feb;12(2):175-8.

Steins A, Junger M, Rosch G, Mohrle M, Blum A, Lorenz F, Klyscz T, Hahn M. [Efficiency of acupuncture in acral circulatory disturbances]. Phlebologie 1996;25(4):139-43. (Ger).

Williams T, Mueller K, Cornwall MW. Effect of acupuncture-point stimulation on diastolic blood pressure in hypertensive subjects: a preliminary study. Phys Ther 1991 Jul;71(7):523-9.

Yiping Z, Qiong C, Zhengming H, Yilong C. Experimental research on treating hypertension with acupuncture. World J Acupunct Moxibustion 1992 Mar;2(1):33-7.

Zhou JR. [Effect of auriculo-acupuncture plus needle embedding in heart point on left cardiac, humoral and endocrine function]. Chung Kuo Chung Hsi I Chieh Ho Tsa Chih 1993 Mar;13(3):153-4, 132. (Chi).

Zhou XQ, Liu JX. [Metrological analysis for efficacy of acupuncture on angina pectoris]. Chung Kuo Chung Hsi I Chieh Ho Tsa Chih 1993 Apr;13(4):212-4, 196. (Chi).

Zhou Y, Wang Y, Fang Z, Xia C, Liu B, Chen Q, Zhang F. [Influence of acupuncture on blood pressure, contents of NE, DA and 5-HT of SHR and the interrelation between blood pressure and whole blood viscosity]. Chen Tzu Yen Chiu 1995;20(3):55-61. (Chi).

Other Data

Akhmedov TI, Vasil'ev IuM, Masliaeva LV. [The hemodynamic and neurohumoral correlates of the changes in the status of hypertension patients under the influence of acupuncture]. Ter Arkh 1993;65(12):22-4. (Rus).

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