Although there has been some positive movement at government and corporate levels, it is far more realistic that we will begin to see more support occurring on the grass roots community level—in churches, YMCAs, hospitals, employee wellness programs, yoga centers, and fitness centers—since the whole community can directly benefit from a higher level of health and wellness of its members.
The real focus of change, however, will need to be on the
individual level, as the increasing level of motivation from upwardly spiraling health care costs and failures of our health care system will lead people to continue to take more and more responsibility for their own health and well-being.
Making a Long-Term Wellness Strategy
Medical insurance premiums continue to rise beyond the
affordability of ordinary consumers, and today a family may spend
$1,000 per month in health insurance. Over five years that equals
$60,000, a sizeable investment with little to show for it. A good
question to ask is this: What does this $60,000 buy me? Will
my general level of health and well-being improve or diminish in
5 years? Am I basically buying emergency protection and still having
to pay out-of-pocket for most medical services?
Here is a new idea. What if we were to create a five-year plan
to improve our general level of health and well-being? If we
explore this idea, it might look something like this:
Commit to Working with a Wellness Coach
Wellness coaching has made great strides in the last year
and appears to be poised to play a prominent role in the new
culture of wellness. A wellness coach will help you determine
the areas of your lifestyle, attitudes and behaviors that you are
most motivated to change, help you create a wellness action
plan to create the necessary change, and then motivate you
and keep you accountable for reaching your goals of increased
health and well-being.
After you have worked with a coach and feel a level of comfort
and compatibility, explore the idea of setting up a long-term
coaching program. If you are ready to make an investment in your health, consider a five-year program for high-level health
and well-being. The program may call for more intensive work
at the beginning of each year (January–March) with two coaching
sessions per month. After that time you may choose to
have one session a month or one every six weeks. The idea is
to create the framework that enables you to receive ongoing
coaching to help you reach your health and wellness goals.
(To find a wellness coach, contact [email protected].)
Use an Online Wellness Program
Many wellness coaches are now working with the Wellness
Inventory program, a whole person assessment program
designed to help individuals gain personal insight into 12
dimensions of physical, emotional, and spiritual wellness in
their life. The program offers guidance and tools to transform
this new awareness into lasting changes in their lives through
use of the personal wellness plan, my wellness journal, e-mail
reminders, and the wellness resource centers. Working with a
wellness coach who can keep you motivated and accountable
for your agreements to reach your wellness goals amplifies
the power and effectiveness of the Wellness Inventory many
times over. (To experience the Wellness Inventory go to: and enter the promo code “totalhealth.”)