Do medical insurance companies pay for Chelation Therapy?
Most medical insurance companies, including Medicare, have been financially depleted by paying for so many expensive surgeries. Segments of the health care industry which profit greatly from surgical procedures are politically powerful. Physicians who review claims for medical insurance companies often favor the extremely expensive and risky procedures, such as bypass surgery, while refusing payment for equally beneficial, far less expensive and immeasurably safer chelation therapy. While insurance policies do not specifically exclude chelation therapy in their policies, patients have often had to resort to the courts in order to collect their insurance benefits.
How do I find a physician who is trained and competent in Chelation Therapy?
The American College for Advancement in Medicine provides a free national listing of its member doctors, most of whom include chelation therapy in their practice. To receive this list, send a self-addressed, business-size (#10) envelope with .55 cents postage to:
American College for Advancement in Medicine
P. O. Box 3427
Laguna Hills, CA 92654
The reader is advised that varying and even conflicting views are held by other segments of the medical profession. The information presented here is educational in nature and is not intended as a basis for diagnosis or treatment.
This information represents the current opinion of independent physician consultants to ACAM at the time of publication.
ACAM publishes and distributes this information as a courtesy to the public.