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You will find Qigong (Ch'i Kung) and Taiji (T'ai Chi) appearing every where in the near future. Places where you might look or inquire include: YMCA s, university recreation programs, community recreation programs, adult education programs, hospitals, complementary medicine clinics, health maintenance programs (HMO), retreat centers, personal growth and health conferences and martial arts schools.

You will find, frequently, that Taiji may be adapted so that it is easier to learn and practice. In such cases it will be more like a simple Qigong method. This is good for people who are unwell and who are limited in time. So, it is wise to ask what form of Taiji or Qigong is being taught.

As Taiji and Qigong become more popular you will find people practicing in the park. In some cases such individuals will wish to have time alone in nature. Just as often, however, such individuals are happy to have some one follow along. In China huge groups practice together. Often there is a specific teacher, often their is not teacher and the group just begins and ends together. Always people hang around after the practice to talk about their practice or just socialize in general.

Some people go from group to group and run through 5 or 6 forms of Taiji or Qigong before they head off toward home or work.

You may have to try a number of learning opportunities before you hit the form or teacher that really meets your personal preferences. It would be foolish to limit yourself to eating from the first dish you taste at a banquet. Better to have a taste of several before you return for more of one that is special. At the beginning expose yourself to a number of methods and teachers. Later you may want to focus on a single discipline for an extended time.

If possible find a place to learn that is convenient. If it is to far to go for study it will become difficult to continue. An alternative is to find a form that is simple and can be tailored to your needs, interests and limitations. This way you can practice easily on your own without having to travel to class as often.

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 About The Author
Roger Jahnke OMDRoger Jahnke has been in the health field since 1967 beginning with body therapies, herbal medicine, Tai Chi, Yoga and meditation. He turned his attention seriously to Oriental medicine in 1972 with study at the North......more
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