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 Integrative Medicine: Childhood Ear Infections 

Echinacea and goldenseal herbal combination formula is important for clearing any type of infection. Echinacea is antiviral; goldenseal is antibacterial and soothes irritated mucous membranes. Both herbs stimulate the immune system. The liquid extract is the preferred form. Give your child one dose, every two hours, while the infection is acute. After his symptoms have eased, give him one dose, three times daily, for one week.
Note: You should not give your child echinacea on a daily basis for more than two weeks at a time, or it will lose its effectiveness.

Garlic is an antibacterial that can help heal an ear infection. Choose an odorless form of garlic capsules; with the smell missing, children don't usually object to it. Your child can either swallow the capsule whole or take it dissolved in soup or hot water. Follow the age-specific dosage directions on the product label. Or heat a fresh garlic clove in olive oil and, with your child lying on his side, put one or two drops of warm (not hot) oil into the affected ear.

Mullein oil is a traditional Native American remedy used to reduce swelling and inflammation. Gently heat mullein oil to slightly above body temperature and, with your child lying on his side, put one or two drops into the affected ear. The heat feels comforting, while the mullein goes to work on the problem.

The symptom-specific remedies listed here should work quickly. If your child's pain does not subside within twenty-four hours, call your physician.

If your child has a fever, a red face, dilated pupils, and hot and moist skin, give him Belladonna. This is for a child with a throbbing earache that is relieved by resting with the head elevated. Give this child one dose of Belladonna 30x or 9c, two to three times daily, for one day.

For an earache that occurs with teething, give Chamomilla. The Chamomilla baby is crying, angry, obstinant, whiny, and irritable, but is comforted when carried around. Often he has one red cheek and one pale cheek with hot, moist skin, and his pain is intolerable. Give him one dose of Chamomilla 12x, 30x, 6c, or 9c, three times daily, for one to two days.

If your child has a fever along with an ear infection, give him Ferrum phosphoricum. This homeopathic preparation can be given together with another symptom-specific remedy. Give up to four doses of Ferrum phosphoricum 12x or 6c, thirty minutes apart.

Kali muriaticum helps relieve nasal congestion and swollen glands. It will benefit the child with a blocked eustachian tube that has affected his hearing. Give one dose of Kali muriaticum 12x or 6c, three times daily, for one to two days.

For a child who has a moderate fever and an earache that comes on gradually, use Pulsatilla. An important symptom that distinguishes a Pulsatilla child is the desire for cold; this child wants to be in fresh air-near a window or outdoors-and feels better with a cold compress. Give this child one dose of Pulsatilla 30x or 9c, three times daily, for one to two days.

(Excerpted from Smart Medicine for a Healthier Child ISBN: 1583331395)
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 About The Author
Janet Zand LAc, OMDJANET ZAND, O.M.D., L.Ac. is a nationally respected author, lecturer, practitioner and herbal products formulator whose work has helped thousands of people achieve better health....more
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