| Naturopathic Medicine: Asthma Part 2 | |
Natrum sulphuricum for asthma which comes on during wet weather, rainy seasons; the patient gets attacks every change of season, in the early morning; the cough is loose, humid, copious,viscid, with greenish-yellow phlegm; rattling noises can be heard in the chest, they expectorate thick, ropy white mucus; they hold their chest with their hand which relieves the cough; for asthma with bronchitis, or a deformity of the chest; associated with or alternating with rheumatism.
Nux vomica for asthma of digestive origin; nocturnal attacks preceded by disagreeable, anxious dreams; the patient is better lying on their back or changing sides or sitting up; they fart and have a swollen belly.
Opium for asthma association with blood congestion or pulmonary spasms with deep rattling breathing; anguish, suffocation during sleep, nightmare, bluish redness of face.
Phosphorus for asthma brought on in humid conditions; the patient has a great thirst for cold water, which is vomited as soon as it get hot in stomach; the urine is scanty and high in protein.
Psorinum is a remedy for asthma which is relieved by lying down with the arms spread wide apart; for asthma worse in winter and cold seasons; the secretions are sticky and smell offensive; for asthma in old men.
Pulsatilla for asthma in timid, irritable children or young adults with changeable moods who laugh or cry easily. These patients loath of fat (especially butter), fear the dark, are suspicious and dream of cats.
Sabadilla is for hay asthma with oppressive sneezing and a watery nasal discharge.
Sanguinaria is for asthma worsened by odors; the cough is hoarse, harsh and dry.
Silica for asthma in chilly patients; with lots of catarrh in their chest, with characteristic asthmatic wheezing, inability to move; given in asthma which comes on after having gonorrhea.
Syphilinum for asthma which returns every summer.
Thuja occidentalis for asthma which comes on following vaccination; for the patient who also has chronic warts and has a dry cough in the afternoon; for infantile asthma with a dry or loose cough.
Yerba Santa is for asthma relieved by coughing up phlegm.
Please consult with a qualified homeopathic practitioner for the correct dose of your remedy, and to get the list of precautions to prevent antidoting the remedy.
What Kind of Subtle Energy Techniques Are Useful for Asthma?
Some folks like to work with flower essences. Some of the more popular ones to help with asthma are:
- oak
- mimulus
- larch
- wild rose
- hornbeam
- crab apple
- impatiens
- gentian
- Shasta daisy
- blackberry
- chamomile
- agrimony
- clematis
Other people find it useful to work with color, either by using thin plastic filters over light sources in their home or office environment, or by wearing clothes of specific colors. The following serves as a guide to experiment with color therapy to help asthma.
During an asthma attack try:
- purple (raises the threshold of pain and is soporific; is a vasodilator; slows heart rate) on face, throat and chest
- scarlet (acts as a stimulant to the kidney and adrenals) on kidneys
- orange (an antispasmodic) on throat and chest
- indigo or violet on throat, chest and upper back for 15 minutes
After an attack try:
- lemon (helps to dissolve blood clots) on front of body
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 | A graduate of Bastyr University in Seattle, she completed both the Naturopathic and Acupuncture/Oriental Medicine programs. Her preceptor work (similar to residencies) took place in Seattle, West Virginia and China,......more |
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