| Integrative Medicine: Acupressure for Menstrual Cramps | |
Acupressure Exercises
Exercise 1: Balances the Entire Reproductive System
This exercise balances the energy of the female reproductive tract and alleviates all menstrual complaints. It also helps relieve low back pain and abdominal discomfort.
Equipment: This exercise uses a knotted hand towel to put pressure on hard-to -reach areas of the back. Place the knotted towel on these points while your two hands are on other points. This increases your ability to unblock the energy pathways of your body.

Exercise 2: Relieves Cramps, Bloating, Fluid Retention, Weight Gain
This sequence of points balances the points on the spleen meridian. It helps to relieve menstrual cramps. It also relieves bloating and fluid retention and helps to minimize weight gain in the period leading up to menstruation.
- Sit up and prop your back against a chair, or lie down and put your lower legs on a chair. Hold each step 1 to 3 minutes.

- Left hand is placed in the crease of the groin where you bend your leg, one-third to one-half way between the hip bone and the outside edge of the pubic bone. Right hand holds a spot 2 to 3 inches above the knee.

- Left hand remains in the crease of the groin.
Right hand holds point below inner part of knee. To find the point, follow the curve of the bone just below the knee. Hold the underside of the curve with your fingers.

- Left hand remains in the crease of the groin.
Right hand holds the inside of the shin. To find this point, go four fingerwidths above the ankle bone. The point is just above the top finger.

- Left hand remains in the crease of the groin.
Right hand holds the edge of the instep. To find the point, follow the big toe bone up until you hit a knobby, prominent small bone.