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 Naturopathic Medicine: 6 Steps for Handling Stress  
Lauri Aesoph M. ND ©

Step 6. A Stress-free Attitude
Much of stress management is based on how you think and act in certain situations. Here are a few suggestions to help carry you through the day.

  • Vary your routine. Have you ever wondered why you get tired after sitting all day? Your body needs a mixture of mental and physical tasks. When thinking exhausts you, take a break and doing something physical.
  • Attitude. How do you look at adversity? Do you make a mountain out of a mole hill? Or do you put things in perspective? Don't take everything personally and ask yourself: "Will this really matter in 20 years?"
  • Laugh more. Enough said...Ha, ha, ha!!!
  • Just say no. Turning down a request is nearly impossible for some. But you have to do it occasionally or you'll be constantly on the run. Start to practice saying no today. It'll get easier with time, I promise.
  • Do one thing at a time, and do it well.
  • Take care of problems and tasks immediately. If you need to make an unpleasant phone call, do it now. Waiting will just add to your stress quotient. When the mail arrives, sift through it right now, tossing (or recycling) garbage, filing or paying bills.
  • Talk out problems with friends or family.
  • Simplify. All the date planners in the world aren't going to erase stress if you're doing too much.
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