The TMJ Center in HealthWorld Online provides information on self-care as well as alternative approaches to prevention and treatment of TMJ through expert articles from leaders in the fields of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM), including Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine, Ayurveda, Homeopathy, Naturopathy, Osteopathy, Herbal Medicine, Mind-Body Medicine, and Integrative Medicine.
Integrative Medicine Flora Parsa Stay DDS
There's a Yogi in the Kitchen! Eating for a Healthy Liver | HealthWorld Online is pleased to announce the addition of a
new column, "There's a Yogi in the Kitchen" by Siri-Ved Kaur
Khalsa. Yogic cooking is based on a very simple truth: "We
are what we eat." ... more |
Simply Well Inhabit Your Body and Love It | Twenty-four hours a day your body is talking to you—giving you feedback about what it needs for its survival, its pleasure, its growth, and its balance. Many of those messages go unnoticed or unheeded... more |
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