The Candidiasis Center in HealthWorld Online provides information on self-care as well as alternative approaches to prevention and treatment of Candidiasis through expert articles from leaders in the fields of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM), including Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine, Ayurveda, Homeopathy, Naturopathy, Osteopathy, Herbal Medicine, Mind-Body Medicine, and Integrative Medicine.
Herbal medicine David L. Hoffmann BSc (Hons), MNIMH Integrative Medicine Dr Jacob Teitelbaum MD Nutritional medicine Elson M. Haas MD Michael Janson MD
Fabulous Functional Foods Dairy Free Cocoa-Banana Ice Cream | Only halfway between sorbet and ice cream with real cream but all the way tasty. Danish chef Oscar Umahro Cadogan brings us this ice cream that contains no dairy products and is very low fat for a dessert... more |
Simply Well Heal with Compassion | Any program of self-change is bound to include some moments of discouragement. Disappointment and frustration are natural when the fantasy of immediate results is squashed, or the expectation of perfect... more |
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