Caffeine Addiction
The Caffeine Addiction Center in HealthWorld Online provides information on self-care as well as alternative approaches to prevention and treatment of Caffeine Addiction through expert articles from leaders in the fields of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM), including Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine, Ayurveda, Homeopathy, Naturopathy, Osteopathy, Herbal Medicine, Mind-Body Medicine, and Integrative Medicine.
Chinese Medicine Pacific College of Oriental Medicine Homeopathy Judyth Reichenberg-Ullman ND, MSW Michael Traub ND Integrative Medicine Sadhu Singh Khalsa LISW, MSW Naturopathy Michael Traub ND Nutritional medicine Caroline MacDougall Elson M. Haas MD Noel Peterson ND
Fabulous Functional Foods Rose Petal Pears with Maple-Lemon Sauce | Danish chef Oscar Umahro Cadogan brings is a fabulous recipe for "Rose Hip Pears with Maple-Lemon Sauce." This tasty, nutritious sauce transforms pears or apples into a delicious dessert. more |
Staying Healthy Tips 10 Tips for Spring Cleaning | In spite of the worldly and personal challenges we all face at this time, we can be nourished and healed by Nature. These 10 Tips for Spring Cleaning offer you practical suggestions for getting your life... more |
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