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 Academy for Guided Imagery: Practitioner Search 
The Academy for Guided Imagery (AGI) is dedicated to educating and supporting practicing health care clinicians, coaches, and educators in their uses of imagery and imagery related approaches to therapy and healing. The Academy is a post-graduate training provider for clinicians, counselors, health educators and coaches, and a source of self-care products and programs for those struggling with a chronic, difficult, or painful illness
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Simply Well
Learn Ten Basics about Food
This series of articles doesn’t prescribe a single system that everyone can or should follow. That would undermine its underlying premise of making your own choices. However, since we strongly advocate...  more
There's a Yogi in the Kitchen!
Flourishing Flora...The yogi's way to a healthy colon
Many ancient cultures recognized that all disease begins in the colon and they developed different ways to keep the colon healthy. The August "There's a Yogi in the Kitchen" column offers "Flourishing...  more
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2019 National Wellness Conference
     October 1-3, 2019
     Kissimmee, FL USA
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